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May 29, 2018

Self Storage to Manage a Loved One’s Estate

Self Storage to Manage a Loved One’s Estate Losing a loved one is a hard situation to deal with, even more so if you are put in charge of handling their estate.  Not only emotionally but physically as well.  Often you are left with a lot of belongings to decide what to do with and […]

Self Storage to Manage a Loved One’s Estate

Losing a loved one is a hard situation to deal with, even more so if you are put in charge of handling their estate.  Not only emotionally but physically as well.  Often you are left with a lot of belongings to decide what to do with and take care of for you loved one.  Don’t rush it.  If you need more time for mourning and to collect your thoughts before going through all of it, self storage can be helpful.

If you are not emotionally ready but the real estate market or even a foreclosure is telling you otherwise, don’t put yourself in a difficult situation.  Take the time to let your mind clear and store your loved one’s belongings until you are in a better position to go through it all. Even if you give yourself an extra month or two, delaying going through your loved ones estate can make a big difference.

Your loved one might have also left you with many valuable items that you don’t have enough room to store at your own home.  If these items are too valuable to through away, yet you don’t have the space, a self-storage unit can be an easy and affordable solution.  Keep your family heirlooms and important sentimental belongings safe until you find proper use for them or they can be handed to children or relatives when the timing is right.

Losing a loved one can be a difficult and a stressful experience.  Don’t let it take any more of a toll on you and your family than it needs to.  If you need the time to think straight and grieve let yourself.  Take the extra time you need to and let self storage take away some of the stress in a your already difficult time.

Visit our website to reserve your unit today. Ridgefield Mini Storage Website

For more tips on how to handle a loved ones estate visit